Man snowblowing how cottage in Maine.

Explore the beauty of snow days on the New England seacoast and reminisce about childhood memories and traditions from a cottage in Maine.

Snow Days on the Maine Seacoast

Cedar Shakes Cottage in Maine

Snow days on the Maine seacoast are just so beautiful! It’s a fond remembrance of the storms from my childhood, digging out, and then followed up with a traditional drive to the beaches to watch the surf. Although I did not grow up in this home, it remains special nonetheless. Join me over on the Maine Home Tour page to learn more about our inherited coastal Maine family home.

Out the front door hangs an antique iron pot, a favorite of my mother’s. See more in the White & Green Rustic Summer Flower Planters Sure To Charm You post. The snow eloquently attaches itself to the cedar shake siding that we cleaned and refinished this past summer after 30 years of aging. Join me over on this How We Restored Our Aged Cedar Shake Siding post to learn more.

Vintage Iron Pot hanging on cedar shakes home on snow days.

Snow Blowing

My husband uses my father’s old snowblower to plow out the driveway and walkways around the house. My father proudly used this snowblower every year until he was 98 years old! We recently had it serviced, and it should last us many more years.

Man snowblowing how cottage in Maine.

Snowy Walk Around the Yard

The outdoor backyard teak table and chairs, which we enjoy over the summer, are covered in winter’s snow from the recent Nor’easter. The snow will actually help the teak turn into a beautiful, weathered seacoast gray.

Cherishing Snow Days- A Cottage in Maine

Christmas Wreath Tradition

Over the summer, we painted the trim of the house Essex Green. I decorated the rustic front door for winter with our three-wreath tradition after finding a photo that my mother had taken during the first year my parents were in their new home. A replica of an old home they built in their 70s called a Raeside-Dame home.

Cedar shake home on snow days at the cottage in Maine

Ella, our Bernese Mountain dog, carefully supervises it all. A snow day is her favorite thing, too!

Snow Days with a Bernese Mountain Dog and Snow Blower in Maine.


Just the day before the storm, we ordered a cord of firewood and stacked it so we could enjoy it in the fireplace for the remainder of the winter. It’s so cozy having a fire in the fireplace while a Nor’easter rages outside!

Maine House with Cedar Shakes
How We Restored Our Aged Cedar Shake Siding

Snow days make everything look so beautiful!

Cedar Shake Home in Coastal Maine during Nor'easter.


The winterberry tree off the sunroom in the backyard is draping with snow.

You may also enjoy the Cottage in Maine Snowy Winter Scenes post.

Cedar shakes home in Maine during snow storm.

Snow Days on the Maine Coast

After digging out, we decided to take a drive around town to see the surf along the beach. However, it started to sleet, and the roads were very slippery. It was also high tide, and the surf was causing flooding around the town. Definitely not good for your car! So we captured the video as best we could and headed back home to start a fire in the fireplace for the remainder of the day!

Cozy fireplace during snow day at home.

Snow days are a special and exciting occurrence when schools and sometimes workplaces are closed due to heavy snowfall or extreme winter weather conditions.

Your Guide to an Eclectic Style~

If you have any thoughts, comments, or suggestions, I’d love to hear from you. Please share in the comments below. And be sure to share this blog post link with your friends who are also vintage enthusiasts.

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Cherishing Snow Days A Cottage in Maine
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