Charm Bracelet

Embracing summer’s end is always so nostalgic, isn’t it?

As I took my last summer walk on the beach before heading back to our home in Vermont for fall and winter, I was gently reminded of my mother and all that my parents have given to me, including a childhood here in coastal Maine.

Summer Beach Pathway

Summer’s End with a Charm Bracelet

You see, over the summer, I discovered my mother’s long-lost charm bracelet.

And as I walk the beach for the last time this summer, its jingling sound brings back all the best memories!

Charm Bracelet summer's end memories.

My childhood days on the beach, suntan lotion, convertibles, tennis, gift shop, friends and family visiting, and lobster- always lobsters! Do you have any old summer memories you’d like to share?

What’s on the Charm Bracelet?

  • State of Maine
  • A Date to Remember with my birthdate on it.
  • Lobster Trap
  • VW Bug
  • Sled
  • High Chair
  • Two Sterling Baby Cups
  • Lighthouse
  • Serenity Prayer
  • Tennis Racquet
  • Eagle

Walking the Beach with a Special Long-Lost Charm Bracelet:

Start Your Own Charm Bracelet Tradition

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What else do I like to take in before summer’s end?

Summer’s End at the Cape Neddick Lobster Pound

We really enjoy stopping in at our favorite local establishments to say goodbye and give thanks for their service at the end of summer.

The Cape Neddick Lobster Pound is our favorite casual dining spot, and we adore the staff! A bouquet of flowers marks the end of summer for our favorite ladies here at “the pound.”

Lobster Buoys at the Cape Neddick Lobster Pound, Maine.

Summer’s End at the Ogunquit Playhouse

Catching one of the last of the season’s matinees, “Mystic Pizza,” at the Ogunquit Playhouse with a girlfriend, followed by dinner and a walk on the beach with September’s Harvest Moon. Priceless!

September’s Harvest Moon

One of the most famous full moons of the year, September’s Harvest Moon marks the beginning of autumn and the end of summer on September 20.

The Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the first day of autumn, which will follow just two days after its peak. This was the moon the night before it became full on September 19th.

This full moon is associated with fall, but it’s actually the last one of summer in 2021

September's Harvest Moon over the beach at summer's end.

You may also enjoy the Mother Nature And An Antique Millinery Hat Mold post.


You may also enjoy this year’s Coastal Grandmother Summer Decor “In My Mother’s Home” post.

Summer’s End Lawn

For all the ladies who mow their own lawns and create beautiful lines!

Green Lawn at summer's end.

Summer’s End Means Firewood

Getting the firewood ready for winter fires in the fireplace. See our home in Maine covered in winter’s snow. What a difference, isn’t it?

Clothesline Sheets

Taking advantage of the nice weather, I wash all the bedding and hang it on the clothesline, so when we next arrive, the sheets smell amazing and remind us of summer’s end.

Sheets on Clothesline

Do you like these blue and white clothesline floral sheets? They are available here through The Vermont Country Store.

All the while, Ella naps on the unmade beds…


Just before I leave for Vermont, I like to cut a few of the winterberry branches from the backyard to leave for loved ones at the cemetery and maybe a few to bring back home for me.

Cutting Winterberry Branches at summer's end.

In My Mother’s Maine Home

To see all the changes we made to our Coastal Maine Home this summer and beyond, visit the blog series “In My Mother’s Home” and follow along.


Vermont is just as beautiful as Maine, and I’m looking forward to autumn and winter at our home there. I hope you’ll join us there too at summer’s end!

The Vermont Country Store

Have you ever visited The Vermont Country Store in the fall? It’s not thrifting, but it’s just as quaint, selling the practical and hard to find since 1946. See and learn more in The Best Country Stores in Vermont: A Fall Visit to The Vermont Country Store post.

The Vermont Country Store

You may also enjoy the Summer into Fall: Limelight Hydrangeas, An Old Crate & Fresh Blooms post.

That’s it for me today. How do you embrace summer’s end friends? We’ll be hitting the road shortly.

See you in Vermont!

Join us on our Vermont Foliage Home Tour here!

I’m so glad you dropped by today, and if you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you enjoyed your visit with us today at our Home in Coastal Maine.

Your Guide to an Eclectic Style~

If you have any thoughts, comments, or suggestions, I’d love to hear from you. Please share in the comments below. And be sure to share this blog post link with your friends who are also vintage enthusiasts.

Do you have a flair for all things vintage, too? I would love to see and feature you in our Reader’s Showcase Series. A place for you to share and be recognized for your talents and passion for all things thrifting, vintage, and antique decor-related inspired by your time here with Dabbling & Decorating. Email me at [email protected]

Summer's End
Ann signature black

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  1. How lovely that you found your mother’s old charm bracelet! I just LOVE costal Maine and keep telling my husband we need to find a home there for the summer. Luckily it’s close enough that we can make it up there at least once a year.

  2. Hi Ann,
    I love your posts! Maine is so beautiful and I can’t wait to visit someday. I have been to some areas of Vermont but want to explore more. My mom’s family is from upstate NY (Delmar and Albany). My Great Grandmother had a camp on a small lake not far from Saratoga. My mom spent her summers there and we went there on vacation when I was a child and I took our son there as a child and now we are going there as a family with our daughter in law too. We have taken some day trips over to Vermont and it is such a beautiful state.
    I am so happy you have found your mother’s charm bracelet. What a treasure! They were very popular when I was growing up in the 60s and 70s. I still have my sterling silver one. My sister has my mom’s gold charm bracelet. All the charms have meaning.
    Thanks for showing us both of your beautiful states and all they have to offer. Have a great day!

    1. You are so sweet Lynda. Thank you so kindly💙💙💙

  3. Hi Anne: I have thought about ordering sheets from the Vermont Country Store. I love my sheets crisp and cotton that snap when you shake them. You know the kind we grew up with! May I ask are these, those sheets? You know the kind that get softer with each washing. I need a deep pocket and would love some patterned sheets. So tired of solids! Thanks for your input.

    1. Hi Shelley, Yes these are them. However, the white ones are much crisper than the blue and white ones as an FYI. But I adore the blue and white pattern. But the quality of the white ones is what I truly love.

  4. Debbie Guess says:

    What a beautiful post! I love living in South Georgia but I would really love to visit coastal Maine and Vermont sometime. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Debbie! Thank you kindly!

  5. Only in my dreams. I’ll live the Maine coastal life through your eyes Ann. A wish of mine is to have a summer house there. Your mom sounds like a wonderful person and your childhood priceless for sure. So glad you found that bracelet. What memories and treasures you have. I so enjoyed your post. Next summer is around the corner.

  6. Marlene Stephenson says:

    Thanks for the video and what a beautiful area.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it Marlene🙌🏻

  7. ellen clairmont says:

    Everything about your post is so filled with love. From your Mother’s beautiful charm bracelet, to you taking the time to hang your sheets outside on the clothes line, and saying good-bye to friends for the season. Thank you for sharing this wonderful tribute to the love you have for your special place.

  8. Thank you for sharing Ann…Maine is a favorite of mine to visit. Your Maine home is delightful and you invite us in for such wonderful memories.

  9. Live this post so rich with memories and love of Maine. I fell hard for Maine when visiting to watch my nephew perform in Jersey Boys at the Ogunquit Playhouse. Didn’t want to leave rhose views! The area is so charming I hope to return some day.

    1. Thank you so much Andrea. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I would have loved to have seen Jersey Boys there, I’ve heard it was amazing🙌🏻

  10. Ann,
    I loved this post so much. I’ve been missing my parents home this week! Seems strange to not be able to just hop over and go inside. Such a sweet post. I’ll share a link on Sunday.

    1. Yes you know the nostalgia Rachel. So sweet of you🌺🌺