Lupine Wildflower Arrangement.

Do you ever stop and pick weeds or wildflowers from the side of the road? Have you ever even considered doing so? Discover the beauty of wildflower arrangements. Learn how to create stunning floral arrangements with freshly picked roadside weeds.


Wildflowers are flowering plants that grow in their natural habitat without human cultivation or intervention. They are typically found in meadows, fields, woodlands, and other open spaces. Unlike cultivated flowers, which are often bred for specific traits, wildflowers have evolved naturally over time and are well-adapted to their local environment.

Wildflowers can come in a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes. They are known for their beauty and diversity, adding a touch of natural charm to landscapes. Some common examples of wildflowers include Daisies, Queen Ann’s Lace, poppies, Lupines, and Black-Eyed Susans.

Common Reed Weed for Wild Flower Arrangements in the wild.
Common Reed Weed

Wildflower Arrangements Ideas

Wildflower arrangements can bring a touch of natural beauty and a rustic charm to any space. Here are some ideas for wildflower arrangements:

  • Mason Jar Bouquet: Gather a variety of wildflowers of different colors and heights. Trim the stems to fit a mason jar and arrange them loosely and organically. Tie rustic twine or ribbon around the neck of the jar for a finishing touch.
  • Meadow-Inspired Centerpiece: Create a centerpiece using a shallow wooden tray or a rustic basket. Fill it with a mix of wildflowers, grasses, and foliage that you would find in a meadow. Arrange the stems loosely and airily, allowing them to intertwine naturally.
  • Potted Wildflower Garden: Select a variety of small potted wildflowers and arrange them together in a rustic wooden crate or a vintage planter. Mix in some moss or small pebbles to create a natural-looking garden display.
  • Wreath of Wildflowers: Gather an assortment of wildflowers and foliage with long stems. Form a circular base using a wire wreath frame or a grapevine wreath. Arrange and attach the wildflowers and foliage to the base, creating a beautiful and whimsical wildflower wreath.
  • Rustic Wildflower Bucket: Find a vintage metal bucket or a wooden crate and fill it with a mix of wildflowers. Trim the stems to varying heights, creating a cascading effect. Place the bucket on a tabletop or hang it on a wall for a charming and rustic display. See more in this Galvanized Flower Buckets: 7 DIY Floral Designs post.
  • Get creative with baskets and vintage vessels combining various roadside wildflowers and weeds to create beautiful and seasonal wildflower arrangements.

Wildflowers have a natural and untamed beauty, so embrace their organic shapes and colors when arranging them. Feel free to experiment with different combinations and styles to create arrangements that reflect the beauty of the outdoors.

Wildflower Arrangements Near Me

When I was young, my mother used to stop roadside and pick wildflowers and weeds all the time, and I was always so embarrassed that I would hide in the back of the car when she pulled over.

Today, not so much; I now have my own pair of clippers handy in my car in case I spy a “weed roadie” in the making that I can not resist!

Designing wildflower arrangements with whatever I find along the summer roads.

Summer Wildflower Arrangement in the making on outdoor Table.

The key is not to get poison ivy, sumac, or any other hazardous plants that may be lurking around those roadside wildflowers.

Simple Wildflower Bouquet

For my first-picked wildflower arrangement, I used Common Reed, Hardy Fuschia, and Queen Ann’s Lace, which I found one morning while I was out looking for yard sales.

You may also be inspired by this Plant Decor in Living Room Book Nook post.

Vintage Wildflower Arrangement Vessel

These gathered wildflowers fit beautifully into this old silver champagne bucket, which I picked up for $8 while out Thrifting with the Gals over the winter.

Wildflower Arrangment in antique decor.

I love the soft, natural colors of these picked weeds and how they fit beautifully into our sunroom with a neutral summer vibe.

Now, one could certainly get much more creative with these picked wildflowers. But we are all about simplicity here, and this was as simple as placing and arranging these branches in a thrifted planter and adding water. You could even avoid the water and simply let them turn into a dry wildflower arrangement…

Summer Wildflower Arrangement in Vintage Decor

Multiflora Rose Basket Arrangement

My friend Molly from Molly in Maine was planning a visit with us this same week, so I was looking for a white roadside wildflower that I could easily incorporate into an outdoor seating space.

These Multiflora Rose wildflowers are everywhere this time of the year. They are simple, white, and have lush greenery. But beware, they also have thorns!

Multiflora Rose Wildflowers for Wildflower Arrangements
Multiflora Rose

But with some good gloves and sharp clippers, they were easy to snip for this wildflower arrangement around our backyard fire pit.

A vase filled with water set inside a thrifted basket worked beautifully with these white roadside beauties. The weight of the water also keeps the vase grounded in the basket.

Basket and Green Pitcher for Wildflower Arrangements

I don’t really expect these wildflowers to last very long; however, I find wildflower arrangements like this one easy and affordable to create for special pop-up occasions at home.

Multiflora Rose Wildflower Arrangement in Basket at outdoor fire pit.

Find more antique basket inspiration in this Antique Baskets Vintage Decor Ideas post.

Wildflower Arrangements Centerpieces

This colorful early spring bush was growing roadside out by our mailbox. It looked so cute, cut, and displayed in these thrifted $1 milk glass vases that I also found Thrifting with the Gals earlier this summer. See more in the What Does Frugality Mean to You? post.

These pink wildflowers were ideal. I had a busy day thrifting and was planning a backyard lobster dinner that I was running late for. This saved me a trip to the store to buy flowers for the table!

Old Fashioned Weigela Wildflower Arrangements in white milk glass on table.
Flowering Weigela

After our outdoor summer lobster feast, these simple Weigela wildflower arrangements then made their way onto the chippy, green apothecary in the dining room.

Old Fashioned Weigela Wildflower Arrangements on vintage apothecary cabinet.
Flowering Weigela

Here, I created a couple more wildflower arrangements for our table centerpieces in the same basket as with the Weigela and Rhododendron.

You may also enjoy the Flower Press: Vintage Meets Academia post.

Sometimes, I set out looking for roadside wildflowers for a specific idea and room that I want to accentuate. But honestly, I am mostly winging it! When I pass by something I see, I grab my garden clippers and figure it out once I get home.

Lupine Maine Wildflowers

Here I set out looking for some Lupine that I thought I would be able to find on Route 91 in York, Maine

I found a few scattered in a field, but unfortunately, it just wasn’t enough for wildflower arrangements.

I’m so glad I let them be. And I will now admire these beauties from afar.

Summer Lupine Flowers in field.

Remember, always carry clippers in your car’s glove compartment. Later, I found a field of Lupine in Vermont and clipped these roadside.

Lupine Wildflower Arrangement.

End of Summer Wildflower Arrangements

Later into the summer, I picked this beautiful Goldenrod, Queen Anne’s Lace, and Purple Loosestrife. I love the color combination as we begin to think about fall.

Colorful gathered wildflowers for arrangements.
Goldenrod, Purple Loosestrife, Queen Anne’s Lace

This wildflower arrangement’s beautiful colors and rustic charm remind us that fall is near. See more in the Vintage Office Furniture | Antique Desk or Drafting Table? post.

Wildflower arrangements in vintage vessels on antique desk.
Goldenrod, Queen Anne’s Lace, and Purple Loosestrife

Now, if I could just convince my husband to go in here and get me some Cat N’ Nine-Tails

The Cat N’ Nine Tails are so pretty and unique in large wildflower arrangements. But they grow in marsh waters and can be difficult to retrieve. And with my bad ankle, I don’t dare.

Cat N' Nine Tails wild in field.
Cat N’ Nine Tails

Thanks so much for joining me in picking some summer wildflower arrangements. I hope you found the inspiration you were looking for. Soon, it will be time to go foraging in the mountains for more floral bouquets. You may enjoy this experience in the 6 Forage Basket Arrangements for the Off-Season post.

Your Guide to an Eclectic Style~

If you have any thoughts, comments, or suggestions, I’d love to hear from you. Please share in the comments below. And be sure to share this blog post link with your friends who are also vintage enthusiasts.

Do you have a flair for all things vintage, too? I would love to see and feature you in our Reader’s Showcase Series. A place for you to share and be recognized for your talents and passion for all things thrifting, vintage, and antique decor-related inspired by your time here with Dabbling & Decorating. Email me at [email protected]

Wildflower Arrangements Scavenger Hunt
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  1. Kim, love this idea, but in certain states it is not legal to pick roadside wildflowers… like in Florida where I live 🙁

    1. Oh interesting, I wasn’t aware of that. It’s very common to pick them around here in New England. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Karolyn Love says:

    This brings back so many memories of collecting weeds with my Mom when I was a stay at home Mom in the late 1970’s!! I would ride on the front of the car hood (oh, my! Probably be arrested now!!) going down the ole railroad tracks so I could better spot the “Best” weeds for us!! We had a great time and found so many beautiful weeds for decorating our homes!! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Oh Karolyn that is so funny. I just love that story😂😂

  3. Teddee Grace says:

    These are gorgeous and make me wish I were living back in the Midwest again where such beautiful wildflowers proliferated on the roadsides.

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed them. They are really beautiful this time of the year!

  4. Ann,
    I’m sharing a link to this post on Sunday, Dirt Road Adventures. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. Marlene Stephenson says:

    You have some pretty weeds. I do this myself sometimes it’s actually fun and amazing what you find.

    1. Thank you, Marlene isn’t it a lot of fun!

  6. Always keep my “clilppah’s” in the car!!😀

  7. Ann, this is such a great idea. I can’t wait to get outside and go clip some weeds.
    Happy summer!

    1. Thank you so much, Renae! I hope you are enjoying this wonderful summer!

  8. I grew up in New England and made roadside bouquets even as a child. (No, I didn’t drive a car then, but we lived on quiet roads with no sidewalks) To this day, Queen Anne’s Lace is one of my favorite “flowers”. Now I live in Florida and you couldn’t pay me enough to traipse through roadside anything….. gators, snakes and who knows what else! I miss my wonderful “flower shop”.

    1. Oh Beth, yes that is so funny. I wouldn’t either if I was you:)

  9. And I love that you and Molly got together this week!!! Thanks for sharing my patriotic table!