Essex Green Raised Garden Bed with Bernese Mountain Dog

Have you ever thought about using a paint sprayer for your home painting projects? This was my first time, and here’s what you need to know!

I was thrilled when Paint Zoom™ reached out to me asking if I would be interested in using their electric paint sprayer on a couple of home projects and providing an honest review. Well of course I would! So here is everything you need to know about my experience with the Paint Zoom™ paint sprayer.

Paint Zoom Sprayer

The paint sprayer that I am using for my at-home projects is the electric Paint Zoom™ 3000 Platinum.

SAVE 25% OFF YOUR OWN Paint Zoom™ 3000 Platinum Paint Sprayer AND Receive The Perfect Painter’s Kit, a $25 VALUE!


My First Time Using a Paint Sprayer, What You Need to Know

I woke up early and kicked my husband out of the house for the day so I could spend the day on my first project with my new Paint Zoom™ 3000.

Create Your Own WorkSpace

This is my number one recommendation for paint spraying projects: create your own workspace.

My workspace consisted of a large drop cloth on our outdoor driveway, along with a small worktable.

The drop cloth protects your flooring, and the worktable will be very helpful for mixing and draining the paint, along with holding the other painting supplies that you may also need.

Choose Your Project – Old Vintage Bench

Since this was my first time using a spray painter I wanted a project that would be fairly simple and would allow me the chance to get the feel for how to use this spray painter. And I’m so glad I did.

This old bench was perfect, as painting all the individual spindles can be a real chore, and I was hoping the Paint Zoom™ would be perfect for tackling this.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Don’t you just love how Ella parks herself right in the middle of every project? And with an old shoe too…

This bench was my parents’ at one time, and it was really worn and chipped up. In desperate need of a paint job for sure.

If you like the color of this blue paint, the paint formula may be found in the post SMALL COTTAGE GUEST BEDROOM, VINTAGE AND DELIGHTFUL.

Read the Manual

READ THE PAINT ZOOM™ INSTRUCTION MANUAL! I honestly love skipping this step, but it’s a must when it comes to paint spraying.

Measure the Paint’s Viscosity

Upon reading your manual, you will find that you need to test your paint’s viscosity, which is the thickness that the Paint Zoom™ can handle based on your specific paint and paint sprayer.

My First Time Using a Paint Sprayer, What You Need to Know

My paint required almost 5 cups (measuring cup provided) of extra water into my paint for it to match the required viscosity level that the Paint Zoom™ requires. The instructional manual and video easily describe this process for you.

I used the stopwatch feature on my iPhone to time how long my paint drained from the provided measuring cup. Based on this time, it was about 5 full measuring cups of water that I needed to add to my paint to thin it out for spraying, per the manual’s directions.

My First Time Using a Paint Sprayer, What You Need to Know

The Cardboard Test

Once you’ve mixed your paint and drained it into the Paint Zoom™ it’s important to test it before applying it to your project. Paint Zoom™ recommends trying it out on a piece of cardboard, which is what I did, and I’m so happy that I did.

Here, you can adjust the nozzles and spray that will work best for your painting or staining project.

For my little project here today, it didn’t need much adjusting.

My First Time Using a Paint Sprayer, What You Need to Know

Then I dove right in!

Watch the entire process of this project here.

I had a few drippings on my first try from getting too close to the bench, so I was glad I started with the underbelly of the bench first.

My First Time Using a Paint Sprayer, What You Need to Know

Then, I easily got the hang of it.

You’ll want to start by standing back and moving forward toward the piece you’re painting until you reach the flow that works best for you. Don’t worry, it’s all pretty easy…

Blue Bench

SAVE 25% OFF YOUR OWN Paint Zoom™ 3000 Platinum Paint Sprayer AND Receive The Perfect Painter’s Kit, a $25 VALUE!


Leftover Spray Paint

After finishing the bench, I still had some paint remaining in the Paint Zoom™ and was enjoying the process so much that I spray-painted this vintage black basket with the remaining paint. I didn’t want to waste the little amount of paint that was left over.

Project #2 – Raised Outdoor Herb Garden Bed

I bought this raised outdoor herb garden last year, and I’m not loving the weathered look it’s bearing right now. I love the weathered look on our teak table, but not on this piece, unfortunately.

Unfinished Raised Herb Garden

I knew the Paint Zoom™ would work really well on this outdoor raised garden container by getting the paint into all the little cracks and crevices that this piece has.

I chose the Essex Green historical Benjamin Moore paint color that matches the trim on our home. You may see more in the post, Beautiful Essex Green Coastal House Trim.

It took me less than 10 minutes to paint this in its entirety using the Paint Zoom™!

Raised Herb Garden

I absolutely love painting with the Paint Zoom™. It’s super fast and easy.

It’s truly addicting!

If you don’t mind doing a little prep work up front:

  • Create a Workspace
  • Measuring the Paint’s Viscosity
  • Strain the Paint into the Paint Zoom™
  • Run an Extension Cord

You will love painting and or staining with the Paint Zoom™ 3000.

Watch the entire process of this project here.

SAVE 25% OFF YOUR OWN Paint Zoom™ 3000 Platinum Paint Sprayer AND Receive The Perfect Painter’s Kit, a $25 VALUE!


Dog with Paint Sprayer

How to Clean the Paint Zoom™

This was very simple, too. There are complete instructions on how to clean your Paint Zoom™ in this Instructional Video.

After unscrewing a couple of the nozzles, I let it all soak in a bucket of water overnight, then rinsed it off in the sink in the morning. Super easy!

My First Time Using a Paint Sprayer, What You Need to Know
My First Time Using a Paint Sprayer, What You Need to Know

I’ve created the above custom pin just for this post!  Hearing from you makes my day; your comments mean so much! Please join me over on Instagram and Pinterest to see more!

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  1. Any photos with Ella are my favorite! She is quite photogenic. We own a commercial painting business, so have all kinds of sprayers around that are for specific applications. Always getting hubby to spray something for me. Pretty colors on the bench and table.

    1. That’s awesome Jillian. Lucky you👏🏻👏🏻

  2. Kathy Munday says:

    Oh my goodness Ann!! You are always upbeat but this one really got you excited!😂 I was actually laughing. You could paint your foliage year ‘round green! Watch out Ella, your desire to help your Mama may turn you green or blue!!!🤣🤣
    Very informative info anyway. You can do ANYTHING Ann!!

    1. Lol you’re the best Kathy🫶🏼😂

  3. I’m very intrigued; the painting part goes so quickly when using a paint sprayer, but what about the cleanup? How much work is it to get it all cleaned out when you’re done? And how long can you wait between coats before the nozzle dried out and clogs? Would love to see more videos!

    1. It was very easy to clean Linda. You unscrew just a couple nozzle pieces and drop it into a bucket of water. I left mine soaking overnight. And then rinsed it out in the sink. Great question!! The nozzle didn’t dry out on me at all. I waited about 2 hours between coats on the first bench. And read if if it does dry out just pop a thumb tack in there to break the dried seal🙌🏻

  4. Another must for spray painting. Wear a mask!!! Even outdoors.