A Red Book Nook

This summer has been a whirlwind with Thrifting with the Gals! There have been over 58 old-fashioned bargains, three summer vintage markets, a few yard sales, and 2 estate sales.

Let’s take a look back at a few highlights and then move on to new adventures.

A Red Book Nook

I spied this little Book Nook cottage on the property of an antique shop I stopped at earlier this week in New Hampshire. Isn’t this just the cat’s meow?

Thrifting with the Gals

It’s the third Thursday of the month, so it’s time for our monthly Thrifting with the Gals blog series, where the gals and I share our monthly thrifting adventures along with a few tips and trips from around the country.

Bree is joining us as our guest host from My Little Black and White House this month. You are going to love Bree, friends! She is a champion thrifter for sure. And you won’t want to miss the other gals joining me today, too at the end of this post.

The Best Summer Vintage Markets in New England

Where do I vintage shop in the summer? As many of you know, we spend winters in Vermont and summers in Maine. So I am basically back and forth between these two places all year. This gives me the flexibility to attend a few of my favorite vintage markets throughout New England.

Check out my favorite second-hand shops too in the post, The Best Antique, Thrift, and Second-Hand Shops from Vermont to Maine.

What Summer Home Decor Accessories Should I Thrift For?

This is a personal choice, depending on your unique home decor style. Farmhouse, traditional, cottage style, vintage or antique, retro, shabby chic, grandmillenial, the list continues.

Thrift for simply what appeals to you. I shared a list and a few tips in the 17 Best Summer Home Decor Accessories to Thrift post.

17 Best Summer Home Decor Accessories to Thrift

Yard Sales, Garage Sales, Estate Sales, Oh My!

Dog with Free Sign

Summer is most certainly the season for this trifecta of bargain sales! It’s also that time of the year when I make sure to keep a little cash in my bag or car for that casual pop-up yard sale that I may pass by. Venmo has been a recent big hit too. I’m finding many homeowners take Venmo now, just in case you don’t have that cash on hand.

I found 3 old-fashioned bargains at 2 separate pop-up yard sales in Vermont this summer. See more in the post, Baby Adidas, Petite Cobbler Rack, & Watercolor Ski Drawings.

Baby Adidas, Petite Cobbler Rack, & Watercolor Ski Drawings

This bargain find cobbler rack is decorated in our breakfast nook today in the post, Store, Stack & Display Vintage Dishes in an Antique Cobblers Rack.

The little Adidas baby sneakers sit charmingly on our living room bookshelf. I’d love to start a collection of antique baby shoes. I think it would be so cute to display on a bookshelf or a bedroom dresser.

Bookshelf with Vintage Finds

This watercolor ski drawing was a fantastic yard sale bargain, which now hangs in our ski lodge-style dining room over a collection of old breadboards.

And in case you missed it, check out the 15+ Simple Ways to Display Rustic Breadboards post.

Stack of Breadboards next to pine hutch

I got fortunate this summer when a wonderful estate sale was happening around the corner from us in Vermont, where I scored these old-fashioned bargains, Johnson Brothers tureen and platter, and a matching kitchen towel.

You may also enjoy Irresistible New England Antique Barn Sale | Budget Friendly.

Vintage Johnson Brothers Dishes and Towel

And a couple more bargain linens that work charmingly in our guest bathroom on a vintage towel rack.

You may also enjoy this Arts and Crafts Shows Near Me Inspired By People “Who Do” post.

Vintage Bathroom Towel Rack and Linens

I also attended another estate sale here in Maine with a girlfriend, which unfortunately turned out to be a big bust…

It was smelly and way overpriced…

You may also enjoy seeing this hobbit house estate sale I attended last summer at the bottom of the post, Thrifting for Treasures with the Gals. Wow was it unique!

Hobbit House Estate Sale

Summer Thrift Shop Sales

And let’s not forget our local thrift shops! This is the time of the year when people are cleaning out their homes and making donations.

One of my most treasured old-fashioned bargains to date is this Timeless Classic Franciscan Desert Rose Table Setting I found at our local thrift shop this summer.

Pink and Green Summer Round Tablescape

The shop hadn’t completely unboxed it all when I stopped in, saw it, and snagged it. You never know what you will find at your thrift stores, am I right?

This entire Franciscan Desert Rose table setting was a bargain at just $100.

And I returned and got the Desert Rose tea set for just $25.00.

Desert Rose Teas Set

Second-Hand Shop Old-Fashioned Bargains

I tend to find my best old-fashioned bargains at second-hand shops, though; how about you? I find myself more productive when I’m shopping at smaller venues. Although I adore the larger markets, I tend to get a bit overwhelmed.

Small Shopping Cart

I was just talking with a small shopkeeper this week about Brimfield. Have you been? The largest outdoor vintage market in the Northeast, probably by far.

We were both discussing what a project these large venues have become between parking, shopping, and transporting items. Brimfield has gotten pretty pricey too from what I hear, probably because it’s become such a popular antique market over the years.

Check out my friend Molly in Maine’s blog post all about her trip to Brimfield this year in the post, Let’s Go To The Brimfield Flea Market Together, to learn more about her experience.

Walking to Brimfield Market
Photo: Compliments of Molly in Maine

I’ll stick with the smaller vintage markets myself, like the ones I mentioned above, and shop locally at second-hand shops this summer. Much less drama this way:)

Like this favorite, which I’ve mentioned here many times before, The Cottage by the Brook in Vermont, unfortunately recently closed. On my way between Maine and Vermont, I found a fabulous Millinery hat mold, a Holland Mold pitcher, dominoes, and a brass patina duck. Affordable and easy to in and out!

See more of this shopping experience and old-fashioned bargains in the Mother Nature And An Antique Millinery Hat Mold post.

Because also, you won’t want to miss the fury and beauty Mother Nature recently bestowed upon Vermont while I was there too.

New Hampshire River Raging

Looking Ahead to Autumn’s Bargains

I can’t get over that it’s already mid-July! It’s been so foggy and rainy here this summer, we just haven’t gotten out to do as much as we would have liked to with Ella’s ACL surgery and all. So I’m really looking forward to my favorite time of the year, Autumn when the temperatures cool and the leaves change in beautiful Vermont.

See more in the post, Vermont Fall Foliage Home Tour.

Also, this time last year, I spent the majority of our summer getting our Maine home ready for a photo shoot with Country Sampler Magazine. See and read more in the post Behind the Scenes Photo Shoot with Country Sampler Magazine, which we should be seeing published sometime this spring in 2024.

Country Sampler Magazine Photo Shoot

In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer, and thanks so much for joining us all here today for Thrifting with the Gals.

More From Thrifting with the Gals

Next up on today’s “Thrifting with the Gals” blog series tour is Robyn from Robyn’s French Nest. Robyn is sharing her tips on How to Decorate Shelves in 7 Easy Steps.

Be sure to check out the other gals on today’s tour, too. You are sure to find insurmountable inspiration!

Your Guide to an Eclectic Style~

If you have any thoughts, comments, or suggestions, I’d love to hear from you. Please share in the comments below. And be sure to share this blog post link with your friends who are also vintage enthusiasts.

Do you have a flair for all things vintage, too? I would love to see and feature you in our Reader’s Showcase Series. A place for you to share and be recognized for your talents and passion for all things thrifting, vintage, and antique decor-related inspired by your time here with Dabbling & Decorating. Email me at [email protected]

58+ Old Fashioned Bargains and 3 Summer Vintage Markets
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  1. Oh how I would love to come thrift those markets with you!! So much Summer fun! I am swooning over that book nook!!! Completely swooning!

    1. That would be so much fun Kristin. Isn’t that book book so adorable!

  2. Hi Ann! You truly find the best things! And thenI love how you style them in your home. Thank you so much for sharing my Brimfield blog post! You are the best! The fog is back here….

    1. You’re so welcome, sunshine here today Molly, and beach day tomorrow I suspect:)

  3. Great tips. So many amazing places to pick up some treasures

  4. I am so jealous of your desert rose table setting. I have such strong memories of my grandmother as this was her pattern. However, she passed away when I was young and didn’t appreciate such things and the set was donated. AARGH! I love seeing all of your other amazing finds. (Love the baby Addidas) Thanks for taking us along!

    1. Oh shoot, I’m so sorry. The Desert Rose is really such a classic set and I was so fortunate to have found it all at our local thrift shop. I hope you find a set for yourself Missy. Thanks so much for stopping by today!

  5. Elena MacDermant says:

    Love reading about all your bargains. This post was especially informative! Thanks for listing all of the places you go.
    On another note. Famous means you are known for doing something good. Infamous means your are known for doing something bad. Those words are not interchangeable. Just saying!

    1. Thank you Elana, and you taught me something today! I did not know that.

  6. Ann
    I agree that he larger shows in our area are so pricey! Plus you have to pay to attend and most likely to park. The last one I attended. We pod $14.00 to attend and I purchased one $7.00 item. So not worth it.

    1. Oh wow, yes so true isn’t it Rachel? I’ve never had to pay to park before at a market. That’s crazy!