Antique Oak Dresser with Mirror Quaint in the Attic

Looking for cozy and quaint decorating ideas? You’re going to love this little old repurposed oak dresser with a mirror in our attic bedroom.

Repurposed Oak Dresser with Mirror Quaint in the Attic

Oh, friends, when I saw this little old oak dresser with an attached mirror on a Facebook post from Kennebunk’s Habitat for Humanity ReStore, I knew it was meant to be.

The warmth it would add to our upstairs attic guest bedroom.

So we jumped in the car and headed up to Kennebunk, Maine, for a day of thrifting, shopping, and lunch.

And yes, I went thrifting with my husband, which wasn’t easy… Do you enjoy thrifting with your partner or spouse? Or are you like me and enjoy thrifting alone?

Kennebunk Habitat for Humanity

I couldn’t have been more impressed with the Kennebunk Habitat for Humanity ReStore. It was the largest I’ve ever seen. A warehouse size full of old and new donated furniture items.

And BONUS, a number of helpful volunteers are happy to help you with moving and packing items into your vehicle.

I recently added this second-hand shop to the “My Favorite Second-Hand Shops from Vermont to Maine” post, which you can bookmark and save for your future reference.

Repurposed Oak Dresser with Mirror Quaint in the Attic

This Little Oak Dresser

This old dresser really didn’t need too much work. So I relied on my old standby Restor-A-Finish, followed up with a coat of Feed-N-Wax, a wood polishing finish.

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You may also enjoy the post How to Refinish a Wood Table in Less Than 1 Hour

Antique Oak Dresser with Mirror Quaint in the Attic

I used the Golden Oak finish, which was the closest color to matching this oak wood dresser. It brightened up the dresser beautifully and removed all the markings. It also colored in the top two pine knobs, matching them to the other 6 oak handles.

Then I finished it off with the Feed-N-Wax. I’m always amazed at how well this combination works on old wooden furniture.

*The dark marks on two of these photos are actually tree branch shadows. I didn’t realize this happened when I took the after photos…

You may also be inspired by the Antique Trunk Restoration Made Easy post.

You may also enjoy this post, Vintage Dresser Refashioned | Something Old Something New.

Antique Oak Dresser in the Attic

Friends, the antique oak dresser came out so cute, and it fits into this attic bedroom space so beautifully.

Repurposed Oak Dresser with Mirror Quaint in the Attic

I added a few of my mother’s vintage collectibles to the dresser top, one of which included this silhouette of me marked Griff 69′.

My middle name is Griffith, and when I was young, my father called me Griff, which was his mother’s maiden name, too, thus “Griffith.”

Repurposed Oak Dresser with Mirror Quaint in the Attic

Vintage books, along with a thrifted alarm clock, add to that old attic bedroom charm.

When we have kids stay in this bedroom in the attic, they’re always so scared these old alarm clocks are going to go off in the middle of the night.

Ahhh, remember those old childhood fears?

Shop Oak Dresser Vintage Collectibles

You may also enjoy the post, Coastal Bedding Ideas For Your Beach House.

Repurposed Oak Dresser with Mirror Quaint in the Attic

A little yellow vintage McCoy vase with a couple of blue hydrangeas from last week’s trip Antiquing Down East, A Day’s Jaunt. Wait until you see what I found there!

Repurposed Oak Dresser with Mirror Quaint in the Attic

I added this Seersucker Portland bedding we received from Schweitzer Linen. You may see more in the post, Coastal Bedroom with Dreamy Seersucker Bedding.

I just love the pinstripes in the summertime, and adding it to a cozy attic bedroom, well it just seemed right.

Classic and so coastal cottage in style.

Repurposed Oak Dresser with Mirror Quaint in the Attic

A vintage blue and white quilt that I found in an attic trunk one day folds nicely at the base of the bed.

And another red and white eagle quilt at the foot of the bed on an antique trunk that I found out “Thrifting with the Gals” and gifted my mother years back, as she adored Eagles.

You may see more of these quilts in the post, Decorating with Red, White, and Blue in the Guest Bedroom.

Check out this bedroom before in the post, Coastal Maine Attic Bedroom and Glamping with Beddy’s Zipper Bedding.

Can I tell you a secret?

Repurposed Oak Dresser with Mirror Quaint in the Attic

I left the Beddy’s Bedding on this attic bedroom bed and simply laid the seersucker bedding on top of the Beddy’s Bedding. This way, I get to use two of my favorite bedding sets. Practical and beautiful.

And when we have guests stay, they can simply remove the Seersucker bedding and sleep in the zip-up Beddy’s Bedding, which is super cozy.

If you aren’t familiar with Beddy’s, you will undoubtedly want to check them out. Their zip-up bedding is specifically designed for hard-to-make beds, guest bedrooms, children, bunk beds, and so much more.

Repurposed Oak Dresser with Mirror Quaint in the Attic

So if you find yourself one day at your local Habitat ReStore and there’s a cute little dresser, I hope you won’t leave it behind.

And you know what? I bet you would love this post, 3 Wallpaper Bedroom Designs Emblematic of a Cozy Vermont Inn!

Repurposed Oak Dresser with Mirror Quaint in the Attic

And the post, A Petite Antique Dresser in the Bathroom with knobs like big old diamonds.

Bathroom antique dresser
Ann signature black

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  1. You had me at Kennebunk!

  2. It looks so pretty there Ann! I love how you styled it and those DOG books. The silhouette of you and the story behind your middle name is so sweet!

  3. The dresser is such a great find and love the mirror with it. I use those products on my oak pieces too, they do a great job. I love your whole house it’s so cozy.

    1. Marlene the pricks it’s are my new obsession. They work so beautifully. Thanks as always for dropping by🤗

  4. Hi! That is such a beautiful piece! You did a wonderful job cleaning it up! I have never used those products. Now, I will have to look for a piece to try them on. I follow Kennebunk Habitat for Humanity on Facebook too. They get some awesome pieces but it’s frustrating when I’m in New Jersey! Like the other lady only take the hubby when there’s lifting! My 21 year old son is my thrifting buddy, he has been going with me since he was a baby in a front pouch! When he is at UMaine or working – my 14 year old son has started going with me. They appreciate items from the past and their history! Have a wonderful weekend! Denise

  5. I’m soooooo glad you didn’t paint it and instead brought it to it’s original beauty. I LOVE seeing the wood grain of wood and sometimes cringe when I see a beautiful piece of furniture covered up. Beautifully done!!!!

    1. Ellen, I so agree with you. I don’t at all understand the paint it and then scuff it up craze so that it looks like it needs to be painted. Oak has such beautiful grain. Love it!

  6. Morning from hot Virginia! I have a dresser very similar to yours that I found while out antiquing ( my word for thrifting 😝 ) and I love it. But…the mirror continually leans forward. We have tried putting a small block of wood to stabilize it but that keeps popping out when it leans. Any ideas as to what else we could do? It isn’t really noticeable except to me! I do not like to take hubby along…he has no patience but I do “allow” him to come along when I need the truck or his muscle.🤣. Peace.

    1. Oh I bet that mirror tilt is driving you crazy😂 it’s hard to say without seeing it. Maybe tighten up the screws somewhere? And me too on the husband front😉

      1. Daisy Hovey says:

        I have a dresser like this one and the mirror tilting was not working for me too. So, I had husband screw behind mirror with a straight thin bracket to fit angle > Seems to be working better. I love looking at your site Ann .

        1. Great idea Daisy and thank you so much for stopping by!

  7. That little chest sure is cute and i wrote down the products that you used to refresh it. Do you wash it before you use them. I have several family pieces that couse use a refresh! That attic bedroom is so adorable! What a wonderful place to stay!

    1. Hi Amy. I wipe them down but don’t necessarily wash them. I’m addicted to these products now. They pack a big punch and are so easy to use. I hope you enjoy them too🙌🏻