Search Results for: fall decor

Vermont Fall Foliage Home Tour

Vermont Home Tour

Our Little Red House in the Mountains Our Legendary Vermont Maple Tree Mountain Living at its Best Welcome to our Vermont Home Tour—a curated journey through the heart of mountain living at its best! Nestled in the stunning Green Mountains, our small red ranch may not have been the post-and-beam dream I envisioned, but it…

Man snowblowing how cottage in Maine.
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Cherishing Snow Days: A Cottage in Maine

Explore the beauty of snow days on the New England seacoast and reminisce about childhood memories and traditions from a cottage in Maine. Snow Days on the Maine Seacoast Cedar Shakes Cottage in Maine Snow days on the Maine seacoast are just so beautiful! It’s a fond remembrance of the storms from my childhood, digging…

A cup of coffee and a vase of flowers sitting on a table

Warming up in Vermont with the Traveling Teacup

I have been so looking forward to my visit with the “Traveling TeaCup“, which is a gorgeous pink and green teacup that has been traveling throughout the country making friends with everyone it meets. Barbara from Mantel and Table Blog came up with this fun idea and photo challenge to share a teacup and make…

Fire side table setting
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Fireside Hearth and Home: Cozy Dining

Enhance your home with the warmth of a fireside hearth and home. Learn how to set a stunning table in front of a roaring fireplace. Fireside Hearth and Home A fireside hearth refers to the area directly in front of a fireplace where the fire is contained. It is typically made of durable and fire-resistant…

A large bed in a room

Small Guest Bedroom Seasonal Refresh

It’s Labor Day weekend, and my mind is starting to drift to cooler and cozy decor, starting with this guest bedroom on the first floor of our Coastal Maine Home. This has been my favorite room in the house to decorate, and I’m excited to share a few fun finds with you here today, too!…

A wooden table
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Blue and White Late Summer Tablescape

I’m so excited you are here today joining me at our Coastal Maine Home with our blue and white late-summer tablescape! Every year, I get that pit in my stomach when I start to see summer coming to a close. Fall is my favorite time of the year, but being here in coastal Maine for…