Thrifting with the Gals!

It was such a fun time thrifting with the gals in Vermont over this past month. I discovered a new vintage shop locally, The Vintage Soul, where I scored a complete 8-piece table setting of pink depression glass. And I brought home a beautiful vintage pine hutch from my old standby, Stone House Antique Center.

Meet the Thrifting Gals

Stacy Ling ~ Bricks ‘n Blooms Kristin ~ White Arrows Home

Rachel ~ The Pond’s Farmhouse Kim ~ Shiplap and Shells

Guest Hosts:

Robyn ~ Robyn’s French Nest

The Vintage Soul

I love having a local vintage shop where I can thrift. Do you have one where you live? The Vintage Soul has a variety of old and new finds. As you enter the shop, it looks like an old Vermont country store with popcorn, fudge, coffee, and more. I think my favorite thing about it, though, is the several themed tables that vendors have set up in this shop. Aren’t these like eye candy for the vintage lover?

This is where I found a complete 8-piece set of cherry blossom pink depression glass for just $100. I have seen one dish selling for $20 in many antique shops. They even came with dishware storage bags! This is the first depression glass that I have owned. Check out the spring table created with this beautiful set.

Thrifting with the Gals in Vermont

I also found this $40 beautiful linen and blue eyelet tablecloth, along with a $20 white lace doily, which I used to layer the table.

The cute crock-like vase centerpiece holds four bunnies. It’s perfect for spring and Easter, but honestly, I will use this year-round, too!

Stone House Antique Center

Join me for a round-up of a day well spent at Stone House Antique Center located in Chester, Vermont

The Vermont vintage and thrift shops are really booming right now. There has been a large influx of people moving to Vermont from New York City over the past year, which has caused the antique shops to really stock up, and I’m finding amazing prices and deals, too!

Thrifting with the Gals in Vermont

You may also enjoy the post, A Thrift Here, a Vintage There, and a Valentine.

An Antique Hutch

I’ve been rearranging a sitting area of our dining room recently and have been looking for a piece to anchor the space. I discovered a beautiful vintage pine hutch in a booth at Stone House Antique Center. The size and storage options absolutely grabbed me! So I headed home to think about it. It would work perfectly, so we headed back the following day to pick it up. However, the merchant had unfortunately given me the wrong measurements, and it wouldn’t fit in my SUV.

But after some collaboration, we were able to get the bottom part of the hutch on top of my car and the drawers inside the car for the 45-minute ride home. And the top half went into my husband’s smaller vehicle.

On the way home, we stopped at a local Vermont Inn for lunch to round out what I think to be a great day thrifting. I was getting a little nervous, though, on the ride home about how we would get this thrifted hutch down off the top of my car when we were swiftly greeted by our neighbor upon pulling into the driveway!

Just look at all that storage!

Thrifting with the Gals in Vermont

You may also enjoy the post, Vintage Market Days Fall 2022 Vermont.

Other finds from thrifting with the gals in Vermont…

Ironstone Creamers for $3.00 each.

Thrifting with the Gals in Vermont

Vintage Butter/Cheese Dish for $12.00.

Thrifting with the Gals in Vermont

Spring Floral Picture

Thrifting with the Gals in Vermont

$10 Basket for Spring’s Hydrangeas

Thrifting with the Gals in Vermont

Blue and White Creamers, $12 for two!

Thrifting with the Gals in Vermont

Your Guide to an Eclectic Style~

If you have any thoughts, comments, or suggestions, I’d love to hear from you. Please share in the comments below. And be sure to share this blog post link with your friends who are also vintage enthusiasts.

Do you have a flair for all things vintage, too? I would love to see and feature you in our Reader’s Showcase Series. A place for you to share and be recognized for your talents and passion for all things thrifting, vintage, and antique decor-related inspired by your time here with Dabbling & Decorating. Email me at [email protected]

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  1. Pat Wallenstein says:

    Hi Ann- Thanks so much for your “Thrifting With the Gals” feature! I look forward to it every week. There is an Instagram account I follow called The_Cole_Farmhouse which has beautifully styled thrifted items in her home. She’s trying to build her following and would make a great guest thrifter for you and your gals. Please consider her for Thrifting With the Gals! Thanks!

    1. Hi Pat, thank you so much and for the referral too. I will definitely follow up!

  2. I love all your finds Ann! It’s so fun to follow along on Wednesdays and then see where they all end up in your beautiful homes! I was wondering what my favorite thing would be as I started reading your post and I can’t choose a favorite!

    1. Thanks so much, Kristin, love having you join me every week!

  3. You really do have the best stores for thrifting Ann. I will find a way to come visit someday so you can take me to these amazing shops. I will just have to figure out to get them all back home! Loved how you styled all your amazing finds. This post put a smile on my face.

    1. Thank you so much, Kim! I’d luv for you to visit. We’d have so much fun!

  4. Oh Ann that line hutch was worth all the trouble! I’m in love! It’s like it was made for the corner of your home. Loved following along with you all here on the blog and over on IG too!

    1. Thank you so much for joining us today Kelly!

  5. I really need to check out those places in Vermont. They look fabulous. I truly love your pink depression glass set. That was a fantastic find! Thanks so much for having me this week- it was so much fun and I learned a lot!

    1. I’m so glad you joined us, Emily. It’s such a great group gals!

  6. Ann,
    I love everything on your post today. We have such similar taste. I saw several things I have that are just like yours. So fun doing this with you.

    1. Thank you, Rachel, we really do. I thought the same thing when I visited with you!

  7. Ann love all of your pretty finds! I would love to go with you sometime when I’m up in VT! How amazing is that cabinet you found. Gah! I’m in love!

    1. Thanks so much Stacy, we should connect this summer!